How Are You Fasting?

McLean Bible Church was talking about fasting recently. It got me thinking about what choices I would make for January 2021 and beyond.

I’ve been healing my body of hypoglycemia so will probably not do an all out fast until that has fully regulated.

However, that doesn’t mean I can’t still make a concerted effort! As I was praying regarding fasting, I saw clearly that sugar was the first place to abstain for at least the month. Perhaps all forms of sugar not created in nature by God. So a little fruit ok… but that dessert I don’t need, not ok during this fast! :) I just received Sugar Fast: Where Physical Detox Meets Spiritual Transformation in the mail and am excited to dive in soon!

My Seven Year Fast

I fasted from most forms of social media for 7 years. You heard that right… 7 years! I deleted Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in 2013. At that time I had no plans of ever rejoining.

As I follow the path of healing while doing the hard work of heart work, I felt the nudging to rejoin some types of social media.

I rejoined Twitter and started just following my favorite biblical speakers and inspirational music artists. My goal is to use Twitter to be inspired and in turn inspire others.

My current goal with Facebook was to connect with nearly 20k christian women through a private weight loss group. While the initial program did not work for me, I loved the encouragement and prayers I saw thousands of women offering each other in their food addictions, weight loss, and every day life. They were sharing really hard things and the beautiful prayers of people coming together. So amazing! I was really moved by their authenticity.

I recently expanded my Facebook sphere to add one Mirror private group, as my husband and I have been grateful to own it for our physical health during the pandemic.

I remain vigilant that these mediums are to be used for good and God’s glory and not take away from the work God has for me. I plan to reassess quarterly.

All This To Say…

I am glad I fasted from social media for 7 years! My soul needed it.

I am using these mediums very differently this year and know the Lord has big plans in store that I can’t see yet! As Christine Caine says, “be faithful with the small things because God will know he can trust you with the bigger ones.”

We are all on our own journey and we shouldn’t compare our life to anyone else’s. I was sweetly reminded of that even through the workout group that comparison is the thief of joy. Amen!

Christine Caine mentioned in her Equip & Empower podcast, we place one step forward each day knowing that we are following the path God designed for us. I loved how she talks about embracing fear to follow the hope of Christ. She said she was so far out of the boat walking toward Jesus that she didn’t even know where the boat was! Wow, that is truly inspiring. To live with such faith and courage and stare fear and death in the face. Hats off to you Christine, you continue to encourage me with your fever and fire for Jesus. Like you said, we can not both please man and God at the same time.

Thankful for my 7 year fast, friends. Seeing the world through brighter eyes!

Have you fasted before? If so, was it successful? What did you learn?


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