What I Know For Sure

Being a mom is one of the hardest and most rewarding jobs you will ever have. Every day is a new experience with your children and a chance to see the beauty of God.

What I know for sure is that you should always look to your faith when making decisions for your children. Proverbs 3:5 tells us Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Whether its holding your newborn and wondering how to help them stop crying or listening to your toddler whine and tantrum, you need to seek God in how to respond to them.

This can be a simple prayer or talking to God in the moment, he will guide you on how to help your children. Sure, there are points where reading books about your child will be helpful but when you are in the moment and unsure, God is always your best bet.

Trust him with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. That doesn’t mean you don’t have good instincts. That doesn’t mean you will be the perfect mom, but it does mean that God can and will guide your actions.

Isn’t it a beautiful thing to know we don’t have to have this whole motherhood thing figured out on our own? I know that eases a lot of my anxiety, knowing that there is a God bigger than anything this world can throw at us. And being a mom is no different.

God will be the lamp to your feet and the light to your path Proverbs 119:105.

What things do you know for sure about being a mom? What has motherhood taught you so far?


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