Autumn and God

As the seasons change here in the Northeast, I love seeing the vibrant colors of the leaves, including yellows, oranges, and reds.

Seeing the seasons change is a beautiful reminder that alternatively our God never changes.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

-Hebrews 13:8

Speaking of change, did you know that there are some great organizational change leaders? Some suggest looking to your past to understand how much you have accomplished. One could say the same is true for our walk with the Lord and remembering God’s faithfulness.

Can you think back to when you doubted how something would turn out? You might have doubted your abilities. You might have questioned if you knew what to say or write. You might have believed some negative things about yourself. It is human nature to want to think negatively at times, or there wouldn’t be a bible verse that talks about taking every thought captive.

If you are currently struggling with doubt or worry, know God is with you!

One of the most significant ways I have seen God in my life is through His healing of things beyond what doctors could do or imagine. That is right! God healed my body from being bedridden from Lyme several years ago. God also healed my body and back to the point that I defied doctors’ notions that I would need spinal surgery within five years. I am 2 years beyond that projection. Praise God!

Friends, I pray that you know God is full of immeasurable hope, love, peace, and contentment.

I can testify to the evidence of God’s love during suffering and in times of ease. I learned to lean closer to the Lord through the refinement process of more challenging times. As scripture says, He will draw near to us when we draw near to Him.

Often when we are so busy with life and our priorities, we will have to pause to hear from the Lord. By pausing (even setting a timer to wait), we can read God’s word and ask him to speak to us, as demonstrated in lessons from Samuel.

No matter what, I want you to know that God is faithful.

He loves His children. As believers, we know we have the confidence of Christ. The power of Christ is above all things! God is faithful and true. God’s love for you is never-ending. It won’t change like a leaf from green to red or fall off. It may help to think of God’s love as a superglue to your soul.

May the love of the Lord be ever-present today as you remember His faithfulness is constant.



Happy New Year!


God is an anchor